UNICEF releases four new tools that put data to work for children

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2015 is a pivotal year for data as the world concludes a final MDG assessment and embarks on developing a new monitoring architecture for the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Consistent, credible data on the status of the world’s 2.2 billion children provide a basis for advocacy and action and are indispensable to ensuring that the rights of children are prioritized.

Redesigned and expanded MICS (Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey) Programme website The new MICS website provides easy access to the full range of MICS datasets, surveys, tools, and resources, including close to 250 surveys in over 100 countries.  

Redesigned and expanded data.unicef.org website Access to the latest official UNICEF data on children and women in addition to statistical profiles of individual countries. 

Devinfo.org data visualization dashboard builder (beta)  New DevInfo visualization tool (in beta), allows for natural language data queries and well-designed tables, maps, and graphs in an animated, interactive platform. Request beta access by emailing Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar. 

DevInfo/UNICEF database of child-related data  UNICEF data are now available in one single database, which can be disaggregated by wealth quintiles, gender, and other dimensions.  These new tools and websites are part of UNICEF's global effort to increase the availability of data and to expand people’s ability to use it. I hope that you will find the new resources useful in your work.