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Secretary-General's Report on "Ending Female Genital Mutilation" (2012) prepared for the 56th session of the Commission on the Status of Women: (17 pages) provides information on measures taken by UN Member States and activities carried out within the United Nations system to address female genital mutilation, pursuant to resolution 54/7 of theCommission on the Status of Women. It highlights the multitude of contributions of the Joint Programme in the areas of legislation and policy development on ending FGM/C, support to community-based efforts to abandon the practice, as well as development of the evidence-base onwhat works in FGM/C abandonment programming. In the conclusions it points to promising human rights-based prevention initiatives that reach out to entire communities, build partnership and involve multiple stakeholders at different phases of the programme, and endorses this approach that has been promoted by the Joint Programme while also raising the continuing challenge oflimited resources.

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