322 Publicações
Nome 2012 - Oxfam - Busan in a Nutshell - What next for the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation

The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, established in Busan, South Korea in 2011, set the international standard on the principles of effective aid and good development to which all development actors should subscribe. These principles include: country leadership and ownership of development strategies; a focus on results that matter to the poor in developing countries; inclusive partnerships among development actors based on mutual trust; and transparency and accountability to one another.

All development stakeholders – including traditional donors and emerging providers – must respect and uphold these key principles by fulfilling the promises they made at Busan. For this to happen, the Global Partnership will need to rely on strong vision, high-level political engagement and a robust but flexible global accountability mechanism.

Nome do ficheiro 2012 - Oxfam - Busan in a Nutshell - What next for the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation.pdf
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