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Nome Relatório OCDE 2015 Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento – Fazendo das parcerias coligações eficazes para a acção | OECD Development Co-operation Report 2015: Making Partnerships Effective Coalitions for Action

"The development efforts made by the international community over the past 60 years have hadmeasurable impact on reducing poverty, improving human health and tackling other pressingchallenges. Yet fragmented initiatives, conflicting priorities and uncoordinated approaches continueto hold back progress.At the same time, in our increasingly interconnected and globalised world, national boundariesare blurring; the notion of state sovereignty that underpinned traditional forms of internationalco-operation is increasingly challenged.The need for co-ordinated action is more urgent than ever. The United Nations has led theformulation of 17 ambitious, universal and far-reaching Sustainable Development Goals to beachieved by 2030. Improved and expanded international co-operation, within a system of globalgovernance underpinned by appropriate mechanisms of mutual accountability, will be essential toachieve these goals. (...)".

in Executive summary

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Data de criação 15/09/2015 16:04:35
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