Detalhes para '2014 Oxfam - Quick Guide to Gender Analysis'
Nome | 2014 Oxfam - Quick Guide to Gender Analysis |
Descrição | What is gender analysis? We all live and work in societies that are permeated by gender differences and gender inequalities, which shape the way that decisions get made, resourcesget allocated, and people interact with the world. A gender analysis explores the relationships of women and men in society, and the unequal power in thoserelationships. It brings inequalities to the surface and to the attention of people who can make a difference.One of Oxfam’s corporate priorities is to address gender inequality through every aspect of our work (‘gender mainstreaming’). Conducting a gender analysisis the first stage in this process: it allows us to understand how poverty affects men, women, boys and girls differently, and the differences between poormen’s and women’s needs and concerns. Once we have this information, we can identify what our gender equality goals should be and design our work in amanner that is sensitive to and reflects the different experiences and needs of women and men. |
Licença | |
Nome do ficheiro | 2014 Oxfam - Quick Guide to Gender Analysis.pdf |
Versão | |
Tamanho | 131.42 KB |
Tipo do ficheiro | pdf (Mime type application/pdf) |
Proprietário | Convidado |
Data de criação | 14/05/2014 15:33:37 |
Hits | 13257 |
Última alteração | 29/05/2014 13:59:25 |
MD5 checksum | a8eb60450e314a774816b242751743fe |