64 Temas
Nome 2013 Plan Canada - The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Girls and Young Women 2013

The current global economic crisis has in many parts of the world disproportionately affected women and children, and evidence shows that girls and young women are particularly vulnerable. Long-standing economic trends, combined with entrenched gender inequality and austerity budgets, have left girls and their families with fewer resources, lower incomes and less access to basic services, including social safetynets. As a result, girls’ fundamental human rights to survival, development (including education and employment), protection (from violence, neglect and abuse) and participation in decisions that affect their lives are increasingly under threat.

Nome do ficheiro 2013 Plan Canada - The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Girls and Young Women 2013.pdf
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Data de criação 14/05/2014 15:33:32
Hits 9375
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