2003 CRISE - Conceptual Framework for Human Security
Popular 385.37 KB 3429
2007 UNESCO - Promoting Human Security - Ethical, Normative and Educational Frameworks in Western Europe
Popular 825.76 KB 2089
2008 Des Gasper - The Idea of Human Security
Popular 144.73 KB 3745
2008 WB - The Security Sector and Poverty Reduction Strategies
Popular 405.96 KB 3028
2009 UNTFHS - Human Security in Theory and Practice - Application of the Human Security Concept
Popular 1.43 MB 6712
2012 IDS - Human Security and the Next Generation of Comprehensive Human Development Goals
Popular 699.4 KB 2479
2012 IDS - Using Human Security Principles to Develop a Post-2015 Framework
Popular 1.11 MB 2612
2012 UNOCHA - Human Security at the UN
Popular 2.62 MB 5070
ABRIGO DA TEMPESTADE - Uma agenda transformadora para mulheres e meninas num mundo propenso a crises
Popular 7.05 MB 3745
ActionAid - Saving Lives, Protecting Rights - An Introduction to ActionAid's Work on Human Security in Emergencies and Conflict
Popular 1.71 MB 922
Contributos para o mundo pós 2014-2015: As pessoas apátridas nas agendas inacabadas de Desenvolvimento e Direitos Humanos
Popular 3.81 MB 2919
Contributos para o mundo pós 2014-2015: Igualdade de Género na Agenda pós-2015
Popular 121.17 KB 2936
Contributos para o mundo pós 2014-2015: Mutilação Genital Feminina e outras Práticas Tradicionais Nefastas na Agenda pós-2015
Popular 5.74 MB 4724
United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security
Popular 2.75 MB 5584