86 Publicações
Nome IPPF - Strengthening Linkages Between HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health Withint the Global Fund

This policy and advocacy brief aims to further support the HIV and sexual and reproductive health communities in fostering linkages between HIV and sexual and reproductive health with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The brief reviews recent IPPF experiences of working in partnership with the Global Fund, and recommends a number of priority strategies to strengthen action in this area.

Nome do ficheiro IPPF - Strengthening Linkages Between HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health Withint the Global Fund.pdf
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Data de criação 14/05/2014 15:33:33
Hits 11552
Última alteração 17/06/2014 21:20:22
MD5 checksum c622f40ac5e80660d5e2424846735bca
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